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Emergency Voice Communication/Disabled Alarm
Emergency Voice Communication (or EVC) Systems provide two-way communication during the evacuation of a building during a fire or other emergency. Disabled toilet systems provide a call for assistance to a central point

Why Global?
With co-ordination of the fire service personnel and evacuation of less able-bodied persons paramount in an emergency, a robust and we-designed solution is a must. From fire telephones for fire service co-ordination from a central location to disabled refuge outstations to allow wheelchair users to call for help, Global Fire Systems have a solution to meet your needs.
Our system offerings include both Honeywell and Baldwin Boxall with their wealth of experience and knowledge gained over years of product development and innovation. With a team of experienced consultants and designers, we can provide the right solution for you and your business.

Why is EVC needed?
- Conformance to National Standards and Building Codes
- Communication with Emergency Personnel in an evacuation situation
- Communicate with ALL occupants to assist and re-assure them throughout an emergency
- Communicate with occupants of wheelchair refuge areas